
Contact information to verify references will be available is needed.

We have known Grace since February of 2021. Grace has changed our lives. Her knowledge and guidance has helped us navigate the challenges of parenthood, from being first time parents to dealing with terrible twos and sibling fighting. She is quick to give us advice but also respects and supports our views.

Our kids love to spend time with Grace. She is cuddly, funny and has endless patience. She is quick to sooth tears and incredible at managing toddler meltdowns.

She never gets frustrated or raises her voice. She trusts a child’s intuition and she understands that what they feel is real and gives them space and time to process their feelings before approaching the issue and helping them fix it.

For Grace, bedtime is sacred because she believes that when the body rests the mind goes to work adjusting and processing their growth. If she is allowed, she’ll stay with the kids until they fall asleep, rocking or rubbing their backs and humming her own soft song. However, she is willing to follow whatever the parent’s choice is when it comes to bedtime or anything else in regards to their kids. Both of my kids are in school full time and because I’m now working from home we don’t need her as much. Our hope is that she’ll be able to continue to help us occasionally and or visit us as much as she is available because we’ll miss her.

Marlyse S.

Children’s Ages: 14 Months and later a Newborn ( Now 4 1/2 and the other 2 years old)

To whom it may concern:

Grace’s worked for my wife and I from September 17, 2018 – December 24, 2018. Her main responsibilities were to take care of our 2ó Months old daughter and to provide personal assisting including helping us take care of our 3 dogs and manage our home. She was very flexible and was always available anytime we needed her regardless if it was early morning, late nights ,overnight and even holidays. Grace is honest and trustworthy and we felt comfortable to provide our credit card in her name for her to make all necessary purchases for our personal and household needs. She is kind, nurturing and took very good care of our daughter. She drove her to and from school, park and always brought her own toys to share with her. She also took very good care of our dogs. She cooked their food, took them for a walk and to the vet whenever was needed.

We enjoyed her cooking and she was very conscious to follow our diet preference and prepared nutritious breakfast, snacks, lunch and dinner meals. She is a hard worker and always made sure that our kitchen was cleaned up and our home was neat before she left each day. As my daughter started Pre-school full-time we no longer needed Grace therefore had to let her go in order for her to continue her full-time Nanny career.

Nova S.

Child’s Age:  2 1/2 years old

October 23, 2017

To whom it may concern:

I had the pleasure of having Grace Gilroy as our full-time nanny for my son (now 3 years old) since January 2015. She has worked on a very flexible schedule with different hours (depending on my needs) Monday to Friday and one day on the weekend. She has also done housesitting/dog-sitting for us when we traveled and stayed overnight with my son when I needed to be away for the weekends

It is evident that Grace has a vast amount of experience when it comes to child development. She always came in with different activities and games to engage my son, whether it was educational or away too fun, “it’s okay mommy, you can go now,” activity that made it an easy transition for goodbyes.

Some of their daily activities included going to the park where she would help him with his social skills,and real-life activities like grocery shopping, where he would learn to count or work on his speech and label different fruits and vegetables. Many of their activities were done in song, which helped him with his vocabulary, learn his routines, while developing a love for music, singing and dancing. They also did lots of arts and crafts, created cards and gifts for mommy and other family members and often times cooking and baking. And with every activity that they did together, Grace logged and took pictures of it so that I was always informed with everything that they did!

Grace is very caring, responsible, and trustworthy. She has made good relationships with all of our neighbors and their kids. Our neighbors would see her interaction with my son and trust her expertise and feel the need to ask her for child development advice as well. Our neighborhood kids would also look forward to seeing Grace, because they, too, knew Grace would always bring the fun. Grace has been such an amazing caretaker and teacher to my son, as well as an exceptional household manager to the point where I am in full regret to let go of her full-time responsibilities at the end of.  December of this year. However, I am hopeful to continue to use her services and happy to know who to call if I am in need of babysitting, housesitting, and organizing services when she is available.

Stephanie L.

Child’s Age: 14 Months old

To Those Concerned:

It was a pleasure to have Grace Gilroy in my employ from March 2019 to September 2019.

During that time, I found Grace to be polite, committed and incredibly creative. She took her workseriously, which was appreciated.

As the owner of a small business, it was helpful on many occasions to have Grace step in, when needed, without hesitation. Her ability and flexibility were often a tremendous value.

Whomever considers bringing Grace into their lives will find her to be an amazing and warm addition to their everyday life.

Thank You,

Stacey Brenner.

Stacy & Shawn S.

Children’s Ages: 4 years old, 2 years old and a Newborn


To Whom It May Concern:

Grace Gilroy has been employed as a full-time nanny for our 3-yer old daughter since October 2013. Her hours are 9 to 6 Monday- Friday, though she usually stays later. She also works every other Saturday evening to allow us date night.

Grace has significant education and experience in early childhood development and has been driving mydaughter’s development in speech, social skills, gross motor skills, fine motor skills, etc. She keeps a schedule of library days, play center and play dates, music classes, etc. She also purchases supplies and brings her own age-appropriate games and tools for arts and crafts.

My daughter has been creating amazing art since she was 2, and was potty-trained in 1 week. Her vocabulary, cognitive, and physical development is ahead of her age group and she was accepted to several pre-schools. Teachers commented very positively on her communication and attitude on school visits.

Grace is involved hands on in birthday parties and other celebrations, from cooking and setting up to creating hand-made birthday cards for friends. She is an expert at planning and organizing! She preparesall meals for my daughter, as well as dinner for the family. We have some dietary restrictions, yet she always manages to prepare a delicious and healthy meal.

She always takes the time at the end of the day to do the dishes, clean up the kitchen and living room, as well as my daughter’s room. All my daughter’s clothes and toys are always neat and organized.

Grace is the most experienced, knowledgeable, responsible, organized, and caring nanny you will find. I interviewed about a dozen nannies when our daughter was born in San Francisco, and repeated the process when we moved to LA a year later.

I have managed small and large teams in my corporate job and have lots of experience in hiring and assessing performance. We were very fortunate to find Grace and she has definitely exceeded my expectations.

In writing this, I wish we could afford to keep Grace employed for the next 15 years. It is my hope that she can baby-sit for us on the weekends once our daughter starts preschool in the fall.


Tatjana Mitchell

Child’s Age: 14 months old

August 5, 2013

RE: Grace Gilroy

To Whom It May Concern:

Grace Gilroy has taken care of my children since January 2008 when my daughter (almost age 6) was 3 months old.

I had to return to full-time work and needed to find someone I would be comfortable with becoming a part of our family and spending many hours per day with my daughter. After interviewing several nannies (both through agencies and some we found on our own), Grace was the right pick for us. She also takes care of my son who just turned 3.

Grace is an exceptional nanny. She is very nurturing and never bores of playing with and engaging with my children. She finds the “right fit” for each child and nurtures that. For example, Grace took my daughter to storytime at the library 3 days per week at a very young age. She also went to music class as an infant where she met “N” who is still one of her best friends over 5 years later. 

On the other hand, my son has always been more interested in being physical so he spends a lot of time with Grace at the park. However, Grace finds other ways to engage him while there and is not on her cell phone or texting like some other caregivers are. She takes him onto the tennis court and has him hit a ball with her and he loves it! I will never forget when my daughter was just crawling and Grace set up a “bowling” game with water bottles and one of her toy balls. The giggles that came from my daughter. Or, when she would have her “read” a book to her stuffed animal, Elmo.

In addition to coordinating play dates with friends, park time and play time at home, Grace also bakes with them, does experiments, plays with bubbles and makes a whole variety of crafts (including homemade cards for teachers or me and my husband for birthdays or Mothers/Fathers Day). I am sure I am forgetting about some of the things they have done together.

What is most important in what I am saying is that she is very creative and thoughtful in how she spends time with my children and they have benefited from her being a part of their lives.

Both of my children light up when Grace comes. They are not upset if Mommy and Daddy go out on Saturday night even though we both work full-time. They are happy to be able to spend an evening with Grace.

My daughter is entering first grade in September and my son will move from a part-time preschooler to a full-time preschooler. Because we will no longer need full-time care for our children, Grace is looking for a new family.

Grace will always be a part of our family and I am sure we will see her socially or have her spend time with our children when we need a night out.

I am happy to answer any questions you may have about Grace

Deb Post

Children’s Ages: 6 Months and later a Newborn 

Additional References are available upon request.

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Phone: 310-913-5324